The Sole Man repaired the zipper on my massage table carrying case which was no small job! Instead of completely replacing the zipper, which would have cost as much as a new bag, if not more, the Sole Man suggested he repair the existing zipper and it now works fine! My massage table is now once again protected when I'm traveling about.
Also, the shop is filled with one of a kind hand made leather times and more. As soon as you walk in the front door, the wonderful aroma of leather hits you! I plan to return to purchase a lovely handbag that I had my eye on!
Thank you Sole Man for your expertise and great craftsmanship!
The Sole Man repaired the zipper on my massage table carrying case which was no small job! Instead of completely replacing the zipper, which would have cost as much as a new bag, if not more, the Sole Man suggested he repair the existing zipper and it now works fine! My massage table is now once again protected when I'm traveling about. Also, the shop is filled with one of a kind hand made leather times and more. As soon as you walk in the front door, the wonderful aroma of leather hits you! I plan to return to purchase a lovely handbag that I had my eye on! Thank you Sole Man for your expertise and great craftsmanship!